Branding for neuHouzz Real Estate Group

Branding & Guidelines Client: neuHouzz Real Estate Group ← PREVIOUS NEXT → Soon after the company’s inception, I was brought on board to help establish and enhance the company’s brand through its marketing materials. Beginning with the...

Slimline Manufacturing EcoMister HDXL Feature Sheet

Feature Sheet Client: Slimline Manufacturing ← PREVIOUS NEXT → While Slimline’s Graphic Designer was away, they needed help getting a new feature sheet (datasheet, sell sheet) done. Using a photo that they provided and graphic elements built into their...

Poseidon Rotary Club Infographic

rotary club infographic Client: Poseidon Ocean Systems ← PREVIOUS NEXT → Poseidon Ocean Systems needed an infographic for multiple uses in marketing collateral and presentations. They hired me to create a graphic that would highlight the division of money...

Poseidon Rotary Club Fundraising Campaign for Ukraine

rotary club fundraising campaign Client: Poseidon Ocean Systems ← PREVIOUS NEXT → While working on other projects for Poseidon Ocean Systems their Rotary Club was holding a fundraising event to raise money for wheelchairs to be sent to the Ukraine. They...